Sunday, 11 February 2024

Seven Days of Us 2 - The End (Pages102 - end)



There are many ups and downs for this family as they spend seven days in isolation.

Emma's secret is first discovered by her youngest daughter, Phoebe, who discovers the diagnosis when she reads an email on her mother's tablet. Emma makes her promise not to tell Olivia or her father because she wants to wait for the end of Christmas. 

Phoebe can't keep quiet and phones Andrew, his fiancé. Then Andrew appears in the house, so he can't leave later on. What Phoebe doesn't know is that the night before Andrew met Jesse, her father's secret child, and they had a intimate moment in his hotel.

When Jesse turns up at the house, Andrew pretends he doesn't know him. The revelation of who Jesse is causes uproar among the family. Emma tries to be understanding, but she is hurt by her husband's secrecy, and Phoebe doesn't want to accept him. It is Jesse, who reveals that Emma has cancer as he and Emma already met at the airport and they started talking. 

Things become more difficult when Andrew leaves Phoebe, telling her that he can't go on with their engagement as he feels pressured. Phoebe is naturally upset, and it doesn't help her any when Jesse hints that Andrew may be questioning his own sexuality, and even though Phoebe knows that there are a few things that make her think Jesse is right, she doesn't want to admit he may be right. Olivia doesn't think much of Jesse when she overhears Jesse telling Emma that there are alternative methods to treat cancer.

Olivia starts feeling rought but she wants to believe that it is not Haag, the terrible virus. Then she faints and it is Jesse who helps her while the others seem to freeze. Olivia is flown to a hospital as well as Jesse. Thankfully it is not Haag; the thing is that Olivia is pregnant, and she is over the moon. Ian, who is recovering, is in the same hospital, and Olivia goes to see him. Ian is happy too.

The whole family move to the house in London, and two days later Olivia and Jesse are discharged. Then on the night Phoebe has a date, the radio announces that Ian has died. Emma, Sean and Jesse are there for Olivia, and Phoebe cuts her date short when she hears about her sister's boyfriend.

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