Sunday, 5 May 2024

The Last Remains 2 (Pages 56 - 124)


Nelson and his unit start investigating the murder of Emily Pickering. Judy can't get involved in the case because Cathbad is linked to Emily and was one of the people who were in that field trip before Emily went missing. When Nelson talks to Cathbad, he tells him that the night before the end of the field trip, they were around the bonfire and hooded figure appeared and then it disappeared. Every one of them was there, so it was not a prank. 

Tanya talks to Emily's parents, and they say that they always blamed Ballard, and they think that Emily's obsession with Ballard was unhealthy. When she talks to Ballard, he tells her that he last saw Emily when he drove her to the station. The last sighting of Emily was when she was walking towards Ely's train station. Emily was supposed to travel to Lincoln to be with her parents, so nobody knows what she was doing in Ely.

Nelson learns ffrom Cathbad that the owner of the café where Emily's body was found died of cancer some years ago. One of his daughters, Freya, was a waitress in the café, and Tony goes to talk to her. Freya remembers Emily, who was a frequent visitor, especially on the folklore nights when they talked about Norfolk legends. Freya says that Emily was enchanting, but she knows she didn't consider her a person on her level as she was just a waitress. Freya says that everybody liked Emily. Freya remembers that her father built the wall behind which Emily was found in December, nine months after Emily disappeared.

Ruth also helps when she meets Ballard in Grim's Graves, the dig where Emily and the others were in 2002. Ruth has the impression that Ballard is someone creepy who keeps talking about primitive sacrifices to women. Ballard knows that she was the archaeologist that removed the body, and Ruth is known to have helped the police before. Ballard tells Ruth that they should look to the sister, and he also says that Cathbad had a fling with Emily. Nelson tells Tanya, who has gone to see the parents again. The Pickerings tell Tanya that Sophie is two years younger than Emily, and she studied to be a doctor, and nowadays  she is a doctor in Edinburgh. Nelson talks to Cathbad again and he admits to having slept with Emily once. It was one night they were both very drunk, and Freya, the café waitress, gave them the key of the café, and it was there where they became intimate.

Now Nelson wants the unit to talk to the other people who were with Emily that weekend: Emad Hussein, Thomas Westbourne, Amber, who is now married to Thomas, and Mark Oldbury, who was a junior lecturer.

Apart from that, Nelson and Ruth have received two job offers. Nelson gets a call from Sandy, his former partner in Blackpool, who tells her that they are trying to find a retired  detective to investigate cold cases. Nelson tells him that he will think about it, and later he tells Ruth about it, and what he wants is for her and Kate to move to Blackpool with him. As for Ruth, she has been offered the post of head of linguistics but she has no opportunity to tell Nelson.

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