Sunday 16 June 2024

Fatal Witness - Facts

 At the beginning of the book we learn that Erika has moved house, and she has bought her own place in Blackheath in London. Erika atells ehr sister that it is called Blackheath because it was an area used as a plague pit. That idea seems to be an urban myth. Blackheath could derive from the 1665 Plague or the Black Death of the mid-14th century. A local burial pit is nonetheless likely during the Black Death, given the established village and safe harbour (hithe) status of Greenwich. At those times the high death rate meant that a guaranteed churchyard burial became impractical.

Erika is the Detective Chief Inspector in Lewisham Row Station. Lewisham is an area of southeast London. 

When Vicky finds her friend dead, she goes to stay with her former teacher, Cilla, who lives in Withorn in Dunfries and Galloway in Scotland. Whithorn, is a royal burgh in the historic county of Wigtownshire in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, about 10 miles south of Wigtown. 

Erika get together with Igor, her first boyfriend. Both of them come from Nitra in Slovakia. Nitra is a city in western Slovakia, situated at the foot of Zobor Mountain in the valley of the river Nitra. It is located 95 km east of Bratislava. 

Vicky's funeral takes place in Worthing, Sussex. Worthing is a seaside town and borough in West Sussex, England, at the foot of the South Downs, 11 miles west of Brighton, and 18 miles east of Chichester. 

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New Book - All the Dark Secrets - The Families of Fairley Terrace 1 - by Jennie Felton (Pages 1 - 18)

 First Published: 2014 It is June 1895.