These are the characters in this novel for future reference:
Regular characters:
- Matthew Bartholomew is the main character in the series. He is a doctor of medicine and teaches in Michaelhouse. Matthew has unconventional ideas about medicine, and unlike many of his colleagues he does not believe that using leeches and bleeding people are good methods for treating a disease. He is also very observant and sensible. Matthew is in love with Philippa Davigny.
- Brother Michael is a Benedict monk at Michaelhouse. He and Matthew are friends. Brother Michael is overweight and loves his food. In this book he reveals the truth of the murders to Matthew, and thanks to him, Matthew saves his life.
- Cynric ap Hwydd is Matthew's book bearer, a kind of assistant. He and Matthew are good friends.
- Philippa Abigny is the woman who Matthew loves.
- Giles Abigny is a master of philosophy. He loves women and seems to have a love interest every week. Giles finds himself involved in a plot when the abbess where his sister stays plans to kill her so that she can inherit her money. That is why Giles takes her away and pretends to be her in the locked room in Edith's house. When Matthew bursts into the room, he realises that the person whose face is veiled is not Philippa, so Giles flees. He eventually returns to reveal everything to Matthew.
- Edith Stanmore is Matthew's sister.
- Sir Oswald Stanmore is Matthew's brother-in-law.
- Richard Stanmore is Matthew's nephew. He is studying at Oxford.
- Samuel Gray is a medical student who after the death of his master he goes to Matthew because he wants Matthew to be his new master. Samuel is ambitious and doesn't like the fact that most of Matthew's patients are poor. He aspires to have a life of richness, so his plan is to be a physician for the rich.
- Father William is a Franciscan friar at Michaelhouse.
- Agagha is the laundress at Michaelhouse.
- Roger Alcote is a scholar at Michaelhouse.
- Elias Oliver is a student who alongside his brother causes problems in the college.
- Rachel Atkin is a woman whose son dies when the Oliver brothers start a ruckus between the college and the town. Matthew helps her and find her a job with Stephen. That is why she learns that Stephen and other plan to kill Matthew so she reveals what she knows to Matthew.
Characters in this novel:
- Sir John Babington is the master of Michaelhouse who is murdered at the beginning of the novel and his body is dumped into the watermill.
- Thomas Wilson is Sir John's successor. Everybody fears him as he has very strict and traditional ideas. Wilson doesn't like Matthew. When the plague strikes the town, he refuses to leave his room, but he contracts the disease anyway and dies. The way he got sick is that during the night he left Michaelhouse to visit his lover, the abbess.
- GRegory Cote is a physician and when the plague strikes, he helps Matthew with the sick, but then he seems to have lost his mind. Matthew discovers that he is just pretending and he is the man who killed John Babington and Brother Paul.
- Father Aelfrith is a Franciscan friar at Michaelhouse. He is poisoned when the murderer realises that he knows the truth.
- Robert Swynford is a scholar in Michaelhouse, and he succeeds Wilson. He is from a noble family, but he has higher aspirations, and that is why he and some other scholars are in cahoots to kill those who are an obstacle to their plans.
- Hugh Stapleton is a scholar in Bene't Hostel who dies of the plague.
- Stephen Stanmore is Oswald's brother, and he was part of the plot. He even intended to kill his brother. ´
- Augustus of Ely is a commoner in Michaelhouse, and he is murdered too.
- Alexander is Michaelhouse's butler, and he dies of the plague.
- Henry Oliver is a student at Michaelhouse who openly opposes Matthew and causes problems. He dies of the plague.
- The Abbess of St Radegund is the Oliver brothers' aunt. She plotted against Philippa as she wanted to get to the money she had, so she planned to kill her. That is why Giles took her away. The Abbess was also the lover of Wilson, and she dies of the plague.
- Brother Paul is another scholar who was murdered in the college. He was knifed to death.
- Bilbert is Wilson's book bearer. He also dies of the plague.
- Henri d'Evene is another commoner who dies of the plague.
- Jocelyn of Ripon is one of the men involved in the plot.
- Montfiched is the commoner who died the night all the commoners were drugged.
- Master Burrell is the master of Bene't Hostel. He is also one of the men in the plot.
- Sister Emelda is Samuel Gray's cousin who helps him get information about the abbess and Philippa.
- Neville Stayne is teh principal of St Mary's Hostel and is also part of the plot.
- Father Jerome also dies of the plague.
- Jacob Yarley is also part of the plot.
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