Sunday, 1 September 2024

The Secret Life of Mrs London 2 (Pages 45 - 151)


The Londons become acquainted with Harry Houdini and his wife. The child Charmian thinks she is expecting turns out to be just early signs of her menopause, and after she tells Jack, she discovers that her period is back. So she has to accept that she won't give Jack the son he longs for.

Jack has two daughter by his first marriage, but his ex-wife is quite difficult, not letting the girls stay with their father in the ranch and demanding more and more money. We learn that Charmian and Jack's ex-wife were good friends, and when Jack and Charmian first met, she thought that he was interested in her. Yet, he married Elizabeth, and then when Jack finally fell for Charmian, he left Elizabeth, which is something she has not forgiven.

From their relationship with the Houdinis we discover that Bessie Houdini is a peculiar woman. She resents the fact that Harry has always idolised his mother, even after her death. She tells Charmian that the reason why they don't have children is that she is not a woman, meaning that she hasn't developed as one and her body is just like a girl's.

In the last parts Jack and Charmian travel to Hawaii where he is planning to write the new novel. 

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