Saturday, 25 January 2025

Pack Up Your Troubles 1919 - 2 (Pages 75 - 225)


With the end of the war everybody assumed that things were going to be better. Yet, things for the family are not easy, and there is heartache.

David and Antonia manage to sort out their problems when after talking to his mother, David goes to find his wife in her father's home. Antonia expresses her deepest feelings when she tells him that she knows he doesn't love her in the way he loved Sophy. David acknowledges that his story with Sophy was romantic, but immature, and he lets her know that what they have is real.

Antonia and David return to the Elms, and shortly afterwards Antonia comes down with the Spanish flu. She has it bad, and she has to be isolated, and the family have to brace themselves for the worst. At some point, little Marcus starts coughing, and David fears that he may lose his wife and son. Yet, Marcus only have bronchitis, and Antonia pulls through. However, when the doctor examines her some time later, he tells her that as a result of the flu, she has a weak heart, which is not rare, and in most patients the condition betters, but the problem is that she is expecting a child, and labour may kill her. Antonia forbids him from telling David, and she keeps it a secret.

When Antonia goes into labour, it is clear that she is not well and the doctor is called. Againts all odds, Antonia survives labour and gives birth to a baby girl who they call Alice. However, just a few hours after the birth, Antonia dies while she is nursing her baby. That was so, so sad. I really didn't expect her to die, and she is the kind of character you feel sorry to lose. Antonia has been a life saver, especially for David, but she was a blessing for the whole family and the neighbours in Northcote. On the day of her funeral the church is packed because everybody was fond of her.

After Antonia's death, David talks to his father, who is on leave for the funeral, and tells him that he wants to start a career in banking, so Edward arranges for him to work with his assistant, Murchinson.

Edward and Beattie have tried to heal their marriage. When Beattie discovers that her sister is leaving for America for good, she wants to see Edward, so she goes to Paris and they spend days together. They even share the bed. However, after Antonia's funeral Beattie is not welcoming, especially as she is not happy with Edward arranging for David to start at the bank. She thinks that it is too soon and it will lead to more heartache. When Edward leaves, he wonders if they will ever be a real marriaage again.

Edward has had propositions from Elise. He ran into her when she was checking in his hotel with a man. They then meet, and Elise says that the man, Giles, is a friend of her late husband's, and they are to be married. Yet, she thinks he is too old, and if Edward were to consider to take her as his mistress, he wouldn't have to marry. Yet, Edward refuses. I wonder what will happen to Edward after the last disagreement with Beattie.

Antonia's death hasn't been the only loss that Sadie has suffered. John returns home after being discharged, and he tells her that the reason for his discharge is that he is sick. He suffers from what is called Malta fever, with during its attacks leave him weak and unable to function. John thinks that he can't provide for her and it is not right for them to marry as she will leave a poor and miserable life, and her parents wouldn't consent. Sadie is left with no other option than accept his decision, but from then on she is miserable and the only person who knew about John is Mrs Cuthbert, who she cries on her shoulder. The rest of her family are ignorant, so she has to pretend to be happy.

William is now jobless, and the RAF doesn't accept him. So he goes to stay with a former fellow, Harry, and they manage to get jobs in a new passenger flight service, and they even appear in the newspapers. William is smitten with Harry's sister, Eva, but she only sees him as a friend and starts seeing another pilot.

Diana is now considering Guy as a possible suitor, and Sadie tells her that he is a good man and she should do what her heart tells him to do. Guy is good with the children and he seems fond of her. Diana is trying to get Sadie to socialise and find a good man, and even though Sadie lets herr take her to parties, she doesn't want any other man. 

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