Sunday, 14 January 2024

New Book - I Know You Know by Gilly MacMillan (Chapters 1 - 3)

 First Published: 2018

Fletcher and Danny are detectives who are called when bones are found during the works on a shopping centre. 

They first think that it could be some old bones, but when they find a spanner, it is clear that the body is recent. Fletcher and Danny then remember that near this place it is where they found the bodies of two missing boy twenty years ago. One of them was barely alive but died before the ambulance arrived.

The novel is interspersed with chapters which are transcriptions of a podcast. The podcast is directed by Cody Swift, who was the two dead boys' best friend. Cody explains that two months ago the man who was in prison for the crime committed suicide, and he recently discovered that there have always been doubts about his guilt. So Cody wants to find out the truth. We discover that Cody and his two friends, Charlie and Scott played together. Cody was wearing a brand-new T-shirt, and when he and his friends went to get some snack at his home, his mother forbid him from going out again when she discovered that he had ripped his T-shirt. The two other friends went out and that was the last time they were seen.

When Cody interviews his mother, she says that Scott's mother called her because her son wasn't home. The plan had been for Charlie's mother, Jess, to take them to the lido, but it had been cancelled, and Annette, Scott's mother, hadn't known about it. Annette and Cody's mother went to Jess's and found the house dark, and then a taxi arrived, bringing a very inebriated Jess home. Then the next day the two boys were found dead in a area behind the dog track.

There are chapters about Jess. She has a new life and it is thanks to her husband, Nick, who she has been able to get over her loss. Jess and Nick have a daughter, Erica, who doesn't know about Charlie. When Jess reads about the podcast, she fears what this will bring. From her conversation with Nick, we discover that back then she was the butt of much criticism and disapproval. 

This is a great start for a mystery. 

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