Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Dumped Actually 2 (Pages 25 - 119)


This is a hilarious book and I am having a whale of a time.

After Samantha dumps Ollie, he is depressed and takes some days off work, claiming he has food poisoning. One of those days he goes to the top floor of Aldi's car park, and he feels so terrible that he considers jumping off the car park. Then there is a voice beside him, telling him that he had better make up his mind. The man introduces himself as Wimsy, and he says that he is going to kill himself. Wimsy says that his life is a shambles. His company went bankrupt when he made a mistake in a huge publicity campaign, then he found his wife with the accountant he had hired to sort out his finances, and as a consequence, he was kicked out of the house, and with little money he hired a tiny flat with his dog, which died after jumping out of the balcony trying to hunt a pigeon. When Olly tells him his story, the man is not impressed and laughs at the absurdity of considering suicide just because Olly's girlfriend has left him. After a good laugh, Wimsy tells him this is for him, and he tries to jump but Olly grabs him and after a few minutes struggling Ollie manages to save Wimsy and convince him to keep living.

The next day Ollie goes back to work. He is a journalist in an online magazine, and his boss, Erica, tells him that things are not good with the man who bought the magazine a few months ago. The thing is that he wants to sell the magazine if the numbers don't go up. When Ollie tells her what happened with Samantha, Erica is sympathetic and then tells him that he should write about the breakup, but Ollie refuses. Yet, when he starts working, the only thing that comes to his mind is his four breakups, and he finally writes about it.

The response to the article is overwhelming, and people send suggestions which may help Ollie get over his breakup. Then Erica tells him that he should try those suggestions and then write about them. The first suggestion is a makeover, and the experience is not too pleasant for Ollie, because he has a pedicure which is quite uncomfortable and then the stylist tells him he will wax his body hair, which leaves Ollie sore. I love how he describes the experience. So, so funny. When he writes the article, more and more people read it.

The second suggestion is going camping, and he decides to give it a go. He decides to camp in an isolated parto of the New Forest. The first night is okay, but then he gets bored. Ollie ends up being surrounded by deer which have their usual place where he camped, so he has to leave quickly, and in doing so he stands under a beehive, and the bees have a feast with him.

Hilarious. I am raring to read what else will happen to poor Ollie.

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