Friday, 26 April 2024

A Cold Trail 3 (Pages 129 - 211)


Tracy's investigation leads her to talk to Ed Witherspoon, the former mayor of the town. Ed had a real estate business and Heather worked for him. When Tracy questions him, he claims that he doesn't remember many of the details, but Tracy thinks he is lying. She is positive that no one can forget the day a girl from the village was killed, especially a girl who worked for him.

After Ed, Tracy tries to talk to the owner of the bar where Matthews was a regular, but there is a new owner, and she can't contact the former one.

Dan has to go to Seatle and spend some days there for work, and he can't reach Tracy, so she tells Theresa, the nanny, and sends a text message to Tracy. When Tracy reads it, they exchange some texts, and suddenly she feels that her car is slipping on the road. It is snowing, and she manages to stop the car. When she gets out of the car, she realises that another car hit her rear, but she can't see any other cars. Then she feels afraid, thinking that Theresa is alone at home with Daniella. When she tries to phone her, she doesn't answer her mobile or the landline. The thing is that Theresa is outside carrying wood from the shed to the house. Tracy drives as fast as she can in the snow, and when she finally get home, from the bedroom window she sees Theresa outside, who is wearing Tracy's cagoule and has the hood over her head. Tracy cries and tells her to get down, and thankfully, she does when Tracy warns her the second time, and then there is shot, which thankfully misses Theresa. Tracy runs outside, and she instructs Theresa to go inside, and after checking that it is safe, she follows.

Tracy calls Roy. Theresa is very scared and upset, and Tracy asks Roy to get someone to drive Theresa back to Seattle. Tracy is also scared, especially for Daniella, but she tells herself that she needs to work in making a better world for her daughter to live in. When Dan calls, she ignores the call because she can't lie to him or worry him, so she simply writes a text message, saying that she and Daniella are all right.

Later when Daniella is asleep, Faz and his wife Vera call, and Tracy blurts out everything. Faz is still on sick leave, and when Tracy tells him about her fears, he says that he and Vera will go to Cedar Grove and stay with her. Vera and Faz are Daniella's godparents, and Vera is willing to look after the baby, and Faz wants to help her in her investigation. 

That morning after the scare, Sunnie Witherspoon, who is married to the new mayor and was Tracy's friend at school, comes visiting. She is after some gossip, but Tracy doesn't want to tell her much as she is likely to spread rumours. 

Tracy suspects Finlay even though she doesn't want to believe that he not only killed Heather but also his wife. And suspicion on Roy has also crept in her mind. My theory is that the killer may be Sunnie. Tracy thinks that Heather got pregnant during the Christmas party that the Witherspoons gave every year. Maybe Heather hooked with Gary that night and got pregnant, and someway Sunnie learnt about it and fearing the conseqauences for her relationship with Gary, she killed her. Then she got rid of Matthews and Kimberly because they were close to finding out the truth. I'm probably barking up the wrong tree, but who knows? I may be right.

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