Saturday, 27 April 2024

A Cold Trail 4 (Pages 211 - 315)


The investigations of Tracy and Faz merge with Dan's case. Tracy talks to Atticus, the editor of the local newspaper, which Kimberly wrote for, and he says that Kimberly decided to drop the article about Heather because she claimed that if Heather had been pregnant, she would have told her. So she turned her attention to a discovery she made about the development of an area that years ago had been abandoned for the sake of some dam construction. Faz also travels to Arizona to talk to Pete Adams, theformer owner of the tavern, and the only piece of information that seems relevant is that Pete saw once Matthews, the lawyer, talk to Ed Witherspoon, and even though Pete didn't hear the conversation, from their expressions Ed looked upset and Matthews smug, which Tracy concludes means that Matthews was using the information to blackmail.

Dan also discovered the redevelopment of the land, which has been kept under wraps. When he, Tracy, Faz and Roy get together, they think that Ed could be the killer, and the first murder, that of Heather, may have been passionate, but those of Matthews and Kimberly had a different motif, and he made it look like that of Kimberley, so the guilt fell on Finlay. There is little evidence, so Dan thinks that using the hearing of his client, he can call witnesses and put them against the rope and make them confess. So she submits a request, and some weeks later the hearing starts.

We still do not know everything, and I am dying to know what happened.

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