Saturday, 13 April 2024

Keeping Faith 2 (Pages 37 - 145)


While Mariah mourns for the absence of her mother, Faith starts dreaming? or seeing? a figure that speaks to her. When Mariah notices her daughter talking alone and she tells her that she is talking to her guard, Mariah takes her to a psychiatrist, and even though at some point she is prescribed some tablets, it is concuded that there is nothing wrong with Faith. The psychiatrist even wonders if Faith is seeing God. In a symposium Dr Keller boldly says that if they can't find anything wrong in cases of people who see visions, maybe they can contemplate the possiblity that those visions are real. One journalist is there and publishes the article. 

A important character in the story is Ian Fletcher, who is a TV star and in his programme he does everything to prove that everything about God is not true. When he reads the article, he finds out the name of Dr Keller's young patient, and he goes to New Canaan, where Faith and her mother live. Outside the house Ian has camped as well as a group of people who do believe that Faith can talk to God. Mariah gets alarmed, and the first person she calls is her mum and later the police. When Mariah's mother, Millie, comes, the police are there, and the officer tells her that they can only banned them from Mariah's property, but there is no law to forbid from staying across the road. When Millie confronts Ian Fletcher, she suddenly collapses. She has a heart attack and dies on arrival at the hospital. Ian is in hospital as he hears the news, and Mariah and Faith walk together to see Millie's body. Then the girl comes closer to the old woman and as she kisses her mouth, suddenly Millie comes to life. Nobody can explain what has happened. After more tests performed on the woman the doctor sees that there is no evidence of trauma and he says that she has the heart of a young woman. Mariah asks Faith and she says that she did what she wanted after she heard her mother pray to God.

Mariah is Jewish but she has never been religious, so she can't believe that her daughter is talking to God. Yet, little by little as more things happen to Faith that are inexplicable, she starts to believe. Another important thing happens when Faith goes out in the yard and she starts playing with a baby whose mother is one of the people camp outside. The baby had AIDs but after Faith played with him, all his symptoms disappeared and he was given a clean bill of health. This is what his mother tells to a reporter.

Tired of the situation Faith has decided to run away, and her plan is to call her mother when she reaches the place where they can be happy without any troubles. Ian sees her sneak out of the house, and he intercepts her, and at some point the girl faints. Her hands are bleeding and he scoopes her up and alerts Mariah. They take her to hospital and the doctors heal her hands. We can see that Ian and Mariah are getting close.

In all this time Colin has been absent. He and Jessica, the woman he has left Mariah for, are away for business in Vegas, and Jessica wants them to marry there as she is now expecting a child. Colin is reluctant to marry her. They are to be there for three weeks, and I wonder what will happen when Colin returns home and see the fuss about his daughter. I am afraid that he may start a legal process against Mariah; the book is called 'Keeping Faith' and I'm afraid that Colin is going to want to go for full custody of Faith.

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