Saturday, 13 April 2024

New Book - Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult (Pages 1 - 37)

First Published: 2009

Mairah White is a married woman who has a seven-year-old daughter, Faith. 

Mariah is a woman of fixed habits, but on August 10, 1999, things go wrong when the supermarket she usually goes on the day has to close, so she feels at a loose end before she has to take her daughter to ballet classes. Then she decides to go and visit her mother, and before she leaves, her husband, Colin, phones from the airport. He has been away in Washington on business, and he tells her that he will be home soon, and Mariah tells him that she is going to her mother's for a visit and then from there she'll take Faith to ballet classes.
After visiting her mother, Mariah is in her car on her way to the ballet classes when Faith tells her that she didn't know they were going to the classes straight after visiting her grandmother, so she doesn't have her leotard with her. Even though they will be late now, Mariah decides to drive home to pick the leotard up. Faith sees her father's car on the drive and exclaims that Daddy is home. Colin is not downstairs, so Faith rushes upstairs, and Mariah tells her to slow down as he needs to check that Colin is decent. In the bedroom Mariah finds Colin, and he looks nervous, and she tells Faith to come in as her father is okay. And then Mariah gets a shock when a woman, wrapped in a towel, walks in from the bathroom.
Three days later Mariah is still depressed and in bed. Her mother tells her that she needs to put her act together for Faith's sake, especially as the girl hasn't said a word in three days. This is not the first time that Colin has been unfaithful. Eight years ago Colin slept with another woman, and Mariah tried to commit suicide. Colin sectioned her in a hospital, which Mariah's mother thought outrageous, and she moved closer to Mariah after that. Mariah was pregnant then, and Colin returned to her when she was released.
Things are very different now as Mariah is served divorce papers, and Mariah has no option but hire a lawyer. 
This is a very intense start. I love Jodi Picoult's books, and I'm sure I am going to enjoy this one as well.


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