Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Nadie podrá quererle como yo 4 (Pages 296 - 368)


The deeper Candamo digs, the more convinced he is that the Queen was poisoned. People ruffles some feathers when he asks indiscreet questions. In his enquiries he discovers that food that the queen had that afternoon came from ouside: oysters and frozen milk. The poison must have come from those two products because the leftovers from the food that day were given to the servants, but there were no leftover oysters or milk.

Then Candamo is attacked. One evening on his way home he hears someone following him and then he feels pain and everything goes black. When he comes round, he finds himself surrounded by Catalina, the widow Serrano and a doctor. She is told that someone shot him, probably wanting to rob him, but Candamo thinks that he was almost killed because of his investigation. Candamo learns that the apothecary Verdier came to see him several times, so he sends word to him.

Then the Prime Minister comes to see him, and he tells him that the King sent him, and he knows that he is investigating the death of the king at the bequest of the king. What the Minister says is that everybody has motives to have the Queen dead, but he could be in danger if he continues upsetting people with his questions.

The Verdier comes and he says that there is something he needs to tell him about the queen's death. Verdier claims that he has remembered a doctor who in the previous century studied the effects of poison. According to his studies, someone dying of cyanide poisoning does not rot like in natural deaths, so he wants Candamo to go and disinter the queen and if the body remains intact after a month, they will have the evidence that the Queen died of cynaide poisoning. 

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