Sunday 26 May 2024

New Book - The Man Who Died Twice - Thursday Murder Club 2 - by Richard Osman (Pages 1 - 54)

 First Published: 2021

This is the second book in the Thursday Murder Club series, and I am so glad to see the charming elderly characters back.

The novel starts with the Thursday Murder Club, that is, Ibrahim, Ron, Joyce and Elizabeth, having dinner at a nearby restaurant. Their waitress, Poppy, is not the most efficient one. Joyce says that she is considering getting a dog, and both Ibrahim and Ron are against it. Elizabeth is distracted. She has received a letter from someone called Marcus Carmichael, telling her about their past friendship and asking her to meet him. Elizabeth remembers that the last time he saw Marcus Carmichael was in 1981 when she was part of a mission as an agent for the MI5. She remembers how they fished a dead body out of the Thames, and then she and a doctor drove in a van with the body. The thing that bewilders Elizabeth is that Marcus Carmichael was the dead body.

Elizabeth is curious and goes to meet the alleged Marcus Carmichael, and when the door opens, she is not surprised to find the person who greets her. The man's name is Douglas, and we discover that he used to be Elizabeth's husband many years ago. Douglas is in the room with Poppy, the waitress, and Elizabeth realises that the waitressing job is a front, and Poppy is also an MI5 agent. Douglas tells her that he needs her protection. Both Douglas and Poppy tell her that they have been watching someone called Martin Lomax, who is some kind of money lender to drug dealers, and they have been inside the house to tap the place, and they found loads of money as well as jewels and paintings. Martin Lomax is now threatening him because he claims that the MI5 took a bag of uncut diamonds from him, and he demands they return them to him. He gave Douglas a deadline of two weeks, and the two weeks are over, and Douglas admits that he did take the diamonds indeed.

Ibrahim has been having a thought about his life and how he has been too careful, which has prevented him from enjoying life and having a family of her own. So he wants to live life in full from now on, and he often borrows Ron's car now. When he goes to town, he buys some books and is about to retrieve the car when he sees three youths with hoodies. Before he knows what is happening, he is beaten and left injured on the ground. Ibrahim is taken to hospital, and his friends go there. The police, DCI Cris Hudson and PC Donna De Freitas go there. Ibrahim gives them a complete description, and he also recalls the name of one of them Ryan. Chris says that he imagines that the attacker must be Ryan Baird, but even if they arrest him, there is nothing the law can do about it because there is no evidence to secure charges.

I am already hooked. I can't wait to see how the story unfolds. 

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New Book - La corte de Carlos IV - Episodios Nacionales 2 - by Benito Pérez Galdós (Pages 1 - 44)

 First Published: 1873 Gabriel is now in Madrid and has found employment with an actress, Pepita González.