Secrets and hidden information come up little by little. Jesse, Derek and Betsy discover that the person driving Tennenbaum that day in 1994 was not the man himself but Charlotte. They have to bring her in for questioning, and she explains that she borrowed the van without asking Tennenbaum. After she had left Kirk, he kept harassing him, and she agreed with him that if she got his play from Mayor Gordon, he would leave her alone. So that is why she went there that day, but Charlotte claims that she saw Gordon's brown looking out the window, but nobody answered, so she returned to the theatre.
A safe deposit account in Gordon's name is found, and there apart from money and the play "The Darkness Night", they discover that the account where Gordon had his kickbacks was opened by Gordon and Brown. The police talk to Brown, and he says that Gordon deceived him. He thought that he was signing a document to open an account for the administration, but what he did was to protect himself by having Brown in the mess. An anonymous call alerted Brown, and when he confronted Gordon, he threatened to take him down if he went to the police. Yet, Gordon promised he would leave soon, and Brown knew that he would do so on the opening day of the festival.
A new murder takes place. It is Cody, the owner of the local bookshop, who was a neighbour of Stephanie's and in his shop Meghan, the other woman who died in 1994, worked. He is found dead in his apartment, and the pathologist says that he was attacked with pepper gas and then hit with a lamp. It seems that the murder was improvised and the murderer didn't even come with a weapon.
The investigation has led them to a criminal called Jeremiah Fold. In the play that Stephanie had, some underlined words created that name. It seems that this man blackmailed Tennenbaum, and the man working for him, Costico, says that Fold had some slaves, men who he blackmailed, and did some dirty work for him. Fold had prostitutes working for him, and he threatened these men with divulging that they had been with underage women. Jesse and the others learn that one of the prostitutes was Milla, and they discover that her real name is Miranda and is currently the wife of Michael Bird, the local editor. MIranda tells them that Fold was a horrible man. She was quite wild as a young woman and ran away from home, and that is how she got involved with Fold, who she first thougth was nice to her, but then she was forced to deliver parcels which contained drugs. When she refused to do anything for him, he threatened to kill her parents. Fold is dead. He was killed in an accident when his motorbike hit a tree days before the crimes in 1994. Now Jesse and the others discover that it may not have been an accident.
Jesse, Betsy and Derek think that there is something missing there. Betsy thinks that it is strange that the killer came into the hourse through the front where the wife was if Gordon was the intended target. Then they realise that the Gordon family were not the target but Meghan. After killing Meghan, the killer went after the Gordons when he/she realised that the boy was looking out of the window.
This is getting more and more complex and interesting. I have no idea who the killer is. We don't know much about Meghan other than she worked for Cody. So why did anybody want to kill her?
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