Sunday, 24 November 2024

Mansfield Park 2(Chapters 3 - 16)


Fanny grows up in Mansfield Park alongside her cousins. When Mr Norris dies, Lord Bertram thinks that his sister-in-law, Mrs Norris, will take the girl in as she had hinted in the past, but Mrs Norris comes up with excuse after excuse about why she can't take Fanny in, so she stays in Mansfield Park.

At the death of Mr Norris a new family come to the estate. It is Dr Grant and his wife. Julia and Maria are now young women, and Maria is engaged to Mr Rushworth, a man of ample fortune but quite dull. Her father has gone to Antigua where he has some plantation to solve some problems, and when he returns, the marriage will take place.

Mrs Grant has two half-siblings, who have been brought up by an uncle and aunt, and when the aunt dies, Henry Crawford and his sister Mary come to see their sister. The Crawfords become very popular in Mansfield Park. Both Maria and Julia are smitten with Henry, and they compete for his affections even though Maria is already engaged. And Edmund seems to enjoy Mary Crawford's company very much, and Fanny seems to be very jealous of her. Edmund is supposed to take religious orders soon, and it seems that Mary disapproves.

When Tom returns home after spending some time with his father in Antigua, he returns with a friend, Mr Yates, who enjoys acting. Recently his perspective to act in a play were thrwarted when a problem came up. Mr Yates is invited to Mansfield Park, and he and Tom come up with the idea of putting a play in action. Edmund is disapproving of the whole idea whereas the rest are enthusiastic. At first, the group is divided in the opinions about what play they can do, but they eventually agree to do Lovers' Vows, which is part comedy, part tragedy. Edmund thinks that the theme in the play is inappropriate. Fanny is even asked to play a part even though she thinks she can't act and she wants to support Edmund's stand. Then she is surprised when Edmund changes his opinion when Tom suggests they can ask a local man to play a part which will be the love interest for Mary Crawford's role, so Edmund now is willing to take part in the play. Fanny is very surprised, and since I think she is in love with her cousin, she feels jealous and her opinion of Mary Crawford worsens.

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