These are the characters in the book for future reference:
- Sir/Lord Edward Hunter (1869) (50 years old) is a banker in London and has always proved to be loyal and steady. In 1917 Edward received a knighthood as a reward for his work in the Ministry of Food. When he discovered that Beattie had been cheating on him, he went to Elise, a French woman, who had been her client and gradually her friend, and they spent the night together. This was one-off, and then he decided to join the war when his call-up papers arrived. He was a good soldier, and during the war he eralised that he didn't want to lose Beattie. After the armistice he remains in France for the Paris conference, and during this time he and Beattie try to save their marriage. Then Edward is made Lord and is to be involved in politics, so he and Beattie decide to move to London and sell the Elms.
- Beatrice (Beattie) Hunter (1872) (47 years old), nee Cazalet, is Edward's wife and during the war he was involved in the community to help. We discover that there is a reason why Beattie loves David above her other children. David is the fruit of the relationship Beatrice had with an officer, Louis Plunkett, when she was still in Ireland. Louis left without any notice, and she found herself pregnant. Edward was a young man who had been interested in her, so she managed to marry him without him learning that she was still pregnant, but she suspects he has always known. In 1916 Beattie and Louis got reacquainted and they started an affair. Louis wanted her to go to South Africa with him, and Beattie realised that she would have to make a decision after the war. Yet, Louis got injured and became blind in December 1917, and Beattie felt that she had to stick to him and leave her family. Then Louis died , and the decision was taken from her. When Edward found out that she had been cheating on him and that David was not his son, he decides to leave for the front. After the war, Beattie and Edward try to save their marriage, and when Edward is made a lord and has to work in Whitehall, they move to London. At the end of the book Beattie is pregnant.
- David Hunter (1894) (25 years old) is the Hunters' oldest son. He volunteered to go to war, but he got injured and had to return home. He was depressed, especially after the woman who he was engaged to, Sophy, left him. The only person who managed to get him out of his shell was Antonia, who he had befriended when he was in his training camp. He and Antonia married and they had a baby boy, and David started to teach children privately. David is upset when Antonia announces she is pregnant again because he feels inadequate even though after an operation he is better. Antonia gets sick with the Spanish flu, and she almost dies. Thankfully, she recovers but the illness leaves her heart weak. When she gives birth to her baby daughter, she dies, leaving DAvid devastated. After her death David asks her father help to start a career in banking, and after a while, he realises that this is not his thing. It is Christopher Beresford who helps him get into politics, and David becomes his assistant, which is a first step to become an active politician.
- Antonia Hunter (Weston) (29) was David's wife. She and David have a young son, and then she falls pregnant again. Antonia gets sick with the Spanish flu, and she almost dies. Thankfully, she recovers but the illness leaves her heart weak. When she gives birth to her baby daughter, she dies, leaving DAvid devastated. Everybody liked Antonia, so they all mourn her death.
- Marcus Hunter is David and Antonia's son.
- Alice Hunter is David and Antonia's baby daughter.
- Diana Teesborough Wroughton (1895) (24 years old) is the Hunters' eldest daughter. She was engaged to Charles Wroughton, Lord Dene, but he died in the war. Then she married his brother, Rupert, and they had two children, but he also died in the war. When Diana started visiting Rupert's best friend, Guy, in hospital, they became closer. Guy falls in love with Diana, and they finally marry.
- Lord Guy Teesborough was Rupert's best friend, and he is Ivo's brother. When he was injured, he was sent to Park Dene, and Diana started to visit him. They get close and get married in the end.
- George Wroughton (2) (1917) is Diana and Rupert's baby son.
- Amyas Wroughton (1) (1918) is Diana and Rupert's second son.
- Sadie Hunter (1898) (21 years old) is the Hunters' other daughter, and she is very fond of horses. She helps in Highclere, the stables close to her home chosen for the army to prepare horses for the war. Sadie has always heard that her sister Diana is beautiful, but she doesn't think she is pretty. During the war she had two men who fell for her, Private Sanhill and Christopher Beresford, but she was in love with John Courcy, the vet. She and John eventually got together, but after the war John came to tell her that he had a serious condition and he couldn't give her a proper life. Sadie was very miserable, but knew he had to forget John. At the end of the book he and Ivo are good friends, but Ivo seems to be interested in Sadie. When her family move to London, she knows she has to stop helping at Highcleare, and in London she discovers that she has a good eye for decoration, and the woman who found her parents the news house offers her a job.
- William Hunter (1900) (19 years old) is another son. During the war he was a pilot after he came of age. After the war, he works as a pilot, flying people to Birmigham, but he loses the job as not many people are willing to use planes to travel. Then he is hired to fly people and goods to Paris.
- Peter Hunter (1906) (13 years old) is the Hunters' youngest child.
- Nails is the Hunters' dog. When the family move to London, Sadie thinks that the best thing for him is to stay with Mund at the Elms.
- Ethel Lusby (25) is the Hunters' underhouse parlour maid. Ethel is sassy and flirtatious. She has had many ups and downs due to her flirtatious nature. Her aim has always been to find a good man who can give her a home. uEthel's family history is quite complex. She was born to a widowed mother, who didn't give her much love. She had two much older siblings: Edie ran away with a tinker, but her brother, Cyril was kind to her, and it was thanks to his advice that Ethel went into service, but Cyril died shortly afterwards. At the beginning of the war Ethel went to visit her mother, who was bedridden and sick, and she kept saying that she was not her mother. Then she revealed that her real mother was Edie. Annie died. Something that affected Ethel greatly was when she and Eric, a good man she was walking out with, were bombed, and Eric died. Ethel then went off the rails when she got pregnant by a married man she had previously seen. Ethel left the Elms to discover the truth about her origins, and she got to see Edie, who told her that her real father was Cyril. Ethel then returned to the Elms, heavily pregnant and despearte, and Beattie helped her. a Frank, the young gardener, then asked her to marry him, and she agreed, but when she lost the baby, she broke off the engagement. Frank keeps pursuing her, but she is certain that she won't marry because of her shameful origins, but when he persuades her to tell him the truth, he makes her see that he loves her no matter what. At the end of the book they marry.
- Joan McAusland (nee Dunkley) (48) is the Hunters' cook. Almost everybody calls her Cook, and she is in charge of the servants. She is very strict in her views about decency. Joan meets Fred when she is bombed, and they get engaged. When Fred is discharged and wants to go to Australia as they planned, Cook feels pressured, and she panics. They row and Fred goes. Yet, Fred returns to ask for her forgiveness and insisting that he loves her. In the end Cook marries Fred, but she persuades Ada to emigrate to Australia with them.
- Nula Wilkes is the sewing maid who used to be the children's nanny. Nula is the only one who knows about Beattie's past as she was a servant in her family's home when Beattie was young. Nula tells Beattie that she can see that Beattie is living life to the full now that Louis is gone. Nula helps the family get settled in London, but she can't go with them as she is marries and has her own home.
- Ada Armstrong (nee Cole) (44) is the Hunters' head house parlour maid. She started a relationship with Corporal Len Armstrong when she met him in a recital the town did for the hospital. When Len received orders of going to the front, he and Ada married, but he was killed in the war. Ada and Cook talk about living together and having paying guests when the family move to London. In the end Ada agrees to go with her friend, Cook, and her new husband to Australia..
- Munt is the gardener and is a man of old-fashioned, strict views. Munt is very fond of Sadie, who he thinks is the best of the Hunters. When the family move to London, he is hired by the new owners of the Elms, and he keeps Nails.
- Nanny Woods is the nanny who is hired to look after David's children. The woman is quite haughty and Cook dislikes the woman terribly. When the family move to London, she is the only one who doesn't leave.
- Timmy (11) is the bootboy. He is quite shy and quiet.
- Eileen (13) is the girl who replaces Emily as kitchen maid. She also comes from Ireland.
- Mrs Effie Chaplin is the charwoman who comes to the Hunters' a few times a week.
- Frank Hussey used to work for Munt and now he is a gardener in a neighbouring property. He looks up to Munt despite the man's difficult personality. Frank Hussey and Ethel finally marry after he has pursued her for years. Ethel tells him about her family, and he makes her see that he loves her no matter what.
- Beryl is the underhouse maid, but she decides to leave when she finds a job in a laundry.
- Aggie Mabbott is the new housemaid after Beryl leaves.
- Laura Hunter (1872) (45 years old) is Edward's sister. She is single and for years she worked as a secretary much to Edward's dismay. In 1914 she lost her job as her boss couldn't keep her as he was going through financial problems. In these four years Laura has had many occupations and Laura. He started by campaigning for the suffragists, which is how she met her friend, Louisa. Then she and Louisa became policewomen, and after that, she went to the front to drive an ambulance. Laura then created a club for the women in the front, and it is then when she met Major Ramsley, and they fell in love. When the club was bombed, Laura had to go to London momentarily, and she and Louisa fell out and Louisa decided to do her own thing. Then she returned to the front to drive an ambulance again. After the war, she continues driving the ambulance with her friend Ronnie because Jim is still in France. When he is offered a job in London, he asks her to come with him and marry him. So in the end they marry, surprising everybody who thought Laura was a confirmed spinster.
- Major Jim Ramsley was the man Laura fell in love with, and in the end they marry.
- Madame Elise Bricourt (de Rouveroy) is a French refugee, whose husband and stepson were killed in the war. She and Edward became friendly after he helped him with her finances. Elise became the person to turn to when Edward discovered that Beattie had cheated on him, but he regretted their night together. In Paris Edward runs into her, and Elise tells him that she is to marry an old friend of her late husband, but if Edward wanted her to be his mistress, she would not marry. Edward rejects her proposal, and some dayss later he gets a letter from Elise with her new married name and a leaflet about her new dancing school.
- Sonia Palfrey, nee Hunter (1874) (45 years old) is Edward's sister. She tends to be too dramatic and caraefless. Her home is always full of people.
- Aeneas Palfrey is Sonia's husband and has a biscuit factory.
- Donald Palfrey (1893) (28 years old) is Sonia and Aeneas's oldest son. He worked in the factory with his father, but he had to go to the war. Then he was seriously wounded and sent home. Now he is back home and his post in the factory
- Mary Palfrey (1895) (24 years old) is Sonia and Aeneas's daughter. She and Audrey are twins. He is very different from her sister, and after the war she is engaged to get married to his fiancé, Miles Amberley.
- Audrey Palfrey (1895) (24 years old) is Sonia and Aeneas's daughter . She and Mary are twins. When Donald was called up, she took his place in the factory. After his brother returns, he decides to go to university
- Douglas Palfrey (Duck) (1901) (18 years old) is Sonia and Aeneas's son.
- Adelaide Carbury (Addie), nee Cazalet (1870)(49 years old) is Beatty's sister. When her husband dies, she decides to move to America where her sons live.
- Fergus Carbury (1898) (21 years old) is Adelaide and John's second son. He and William meet during the war as he is also a pilot. After the war, he returns to America, where his parents sent him and his brother after the Irish uprising.
- Jack Hunter (1872) (47 years old) is Edward's cousin. He was in the war from the very beginning, and when he returns, he has to adapt to life again gradually.
- Beth Hunter (1876), nee Cargill (41 years old) is Jack's wife.
- John Courcy is the vet who Sadie met, working for the army. He then was sent to the front. John and Sadie felll in love, and they planned to marry after the war. But then John gets sick, and his condition affects his way of life, and he can't offer Sadie a normal life, so he can't allow SAid to be tied to him. John then goes to Edinburgh and finds a job as a assistant to a vet.
- Lady Violet Wroughton is Charles and Rupert's mother, and she has always disapproved of Diana. When Diana shows interest in Guy, the woman is very angry, saying that she is not showing respect.
- Sergeant Fred McAusland is Cook's fiancé. They met when she was bombed. When he returns after beind demobbed, he wants Cook to marry him at once and move to Australia in two weeks. Cook thinks it is too rash, and they quarrel. Fred is so upset that he gets drunk that night and loses all his savings. So he finds a job - he is a butcher - and when he has enough money, he returns to ask Cook for forgiveness. In the end they marry, and they move to Australia and Ada goes with them.
- Ivo Rainton was Rupert's friend and was in his unit. Ivo and Sadie get friendly, and at the end of the book he seems to be very fond of her.
- Veronica Mildmay (Ronnie) helps Laura and Louisa to run the club in the front, and after the war, Laura went to find her, and they continued transporting people in the ambulance.
- Colin Burgess is the man who hires William as a pilot to fly people to Birmingham. But when the airline doesn't have too much business, he has to leat William go.
- Lieutenant Duval is Edward's soldier servant in Paris.
- Christopher Bereford and Edward met when they were working for the Ministry of Food. Christopher was in love with Sadie, but she turned him down. After the war he became a PM, and after running into David, he realised that David had the spirit to go into politics, and he suggested he become his assistant.
- Louisa Cotton is Laura's friend. and she and Laura were together in most of the ventures Laura embarked. They fell out when Laura fell for Major Ramsley. Louisa confessed that she was tired, and they parted ways in a friendly way. When Laura marries, Louisa goes to the wedding with her fiancée.
- Lord Arthur Forbesson (56) is a friend of Edward's. He works for the war office and is married to Dorothy, and they have a son in the front.
- Emily Malone (nee Conaghan) (20) was the kitchen maid. She is quite naive and romatic at heart. During the last summer holiday she decided to go home in Ireland and visit her mum. Yet, she didn't return. Emily sends a postcard to Cook, saying that she is now married to someone called Hugh Malone and is on her honeymoon, but Cook and the others wonder what Emily has been doing all this time and why she didn't write before.
- Annie (Lady Agnes Dauberey) was the woman who got Laura interested in driving an ambulance in France. They worked together first in the ambulance that Annie fabricated, and then in an X-ambulance. Annie returns home after the war, feeling ill, and she dies. The doctors think that operating an X-machine for months meant that the radiation affected her health.
- Stephanie Spencer Bouvier is the American woman who helps the Hunters to find the house in London, and then she offers Sadie a job as a decorator.
- Lady Overton was the woman who financed the club for women that Laura ran, and when the club was bombed, she sent Laura to be the driver of one of her X-Ray ambulances.
- Mr Weston is Antonia's father. He used to be the headmaster in a boarding school. and he marries his neighbour. When Antonia dies, he is devastated.
- Mrs Yvonne Weston (nee Turnberry)is the woman who Mr Weston marries. She used to be his neighbour.
- Olive Marlow, Obby, is a woman who Diana met when she and Charles were courting, and now they are good friends.
- Annabel Cuthbert is the woman who owns the stables where Sadie gives a hand. During the war they supplied and trained horses for the army. After the war, Mrs Cuthbert sheltered injured and sick horses, and she decided to start a charity. Mrs Cuthbert is the only one who knew about Sadie and John, and she comforted her when they broke up. Mrs Cuthbert keeps in touch with John by letter.
- Dr Postgate is the local doctor who attends to Antonia when she is sick with the flu and when she has the baby.
- Horace Cuthbert is Mrs Cuthbert's husband.
- Mrs Honoria Fitzgerald is the rector's wife and tends to be bossy and determined in her views about how the ladies' committee need to help in the war and organise activities.
- Mrs Fanny Oliver is a parishioner and in charge of many activities in the village.
- Dr Fitzgerald is the vicar.
- Dame Barbara Woodville is the head of the local Red Cross.
- Adolphus Beamish (Dolly) is Mrs Fitzgerald's nephew who returns from war safe and sound. He and Sadie become friends, and she makes him see that he should devote his life to music, which is what he likes. Adolphus is interested in Sadie, but she turns him down. Adolphus goes home and his mother dies. And Sadie hears some months later that he is getting married.
- Harry Considine is William's friend and fellow pilot during the war. He and William find a job in the airfiled near his home where William is a guest.
- Eva Considine is Harry's sister, and William falls for her. Yet, she only sees him as a friend, and she starts going out with another pilot.
- Colonel Prewitt Dancer (Prancer Dancer) was Edward's commanding officer in the war.
- Morgan (23) is one of the Frenchmen who worked in the ambulance with Laura, and at the end of the war he goes home
- Jean-Marie (22) also worked in the ambulance with Laura and at the end of the war he went home.
- Padmore is Diana's maid
- Lady Teesborough is Guy and Ivo's mother. She was Rupert's godmother.
- Solange is Elise de Rouveroy's maid.
- Podrick is a head groom at Highclere
- Mr Murchison is Edward's secretary, and he takes David under his wing when he tries his luck in banking.
- Captain Casimir is the requisitioner officer and supplies horses for the army.
- PC Whittle is the constable in Northcote
- Bert Sudden is the former soldier who attacks Sadie. He dies when escaping from the police.
Characters who have appeared in one of the books (and may reappear)
- Bobby Hunter (1896 - 1916) (20 years old) was the Hunter's second son. He decided to enlist following his brother's steps and became a pilot. He was killed in action in 1916,
- Corporal Len Armstrong is the soldier who Ada married before he went to the front. Len was killed in action in 1917.
- Sir John Carbury is Adelaide's husband, but he died.
- Johnny Carbury (1896) (23 years old) is Adelaide and John's son. After the uprising, his parents sent him and his brother to America.
- Charles Wroughton (28) was of an aristocratic family in Northcote. He and Diana were engaged, but he died in action in 1915 just a few weeks before the wedding. Charles was always kind and loyal, and Diana still thinks about him quite often.
- Rupert Wroughton (27) was Diana's husband. He was boisterous and sociable. Rupert seemed to have married Diana to hide the fact that he was in a relationship with his friend, Erskine. He and Diana became good together. Rupert was killed in the war.
- Lieutenant Colonel Louis David Rathvilly Plunkett was Beattie's first love, and David's real father. Louis never knew she was pregnant, and Beattie never forgot him When he got back into her life, Beattie did not hesitate to become his lover. Louis died after he was injured in the war, and Beattie is totallhy heartbroken.
- Freddie Oliphant (Jumbo) was David's best friend. Oliphant was killed in action in 1917
- Erskine Ballantine was Rupert's lover . Erskine is wounded and writes a catty letter, telling her that Rupert loved him and only married her to be respectful.
- Earl Wroughton was Rupert's father and died in 1917.
- Lillian (16) was the maid who replaced Ethel when she went away. Lillian left the Elms to work in a munitions factory, and Mrs Chaplin heard that she had died when she had a disease of the liver after handling gunpowder or similar substances made her sick.
- Private Hugh Stanhill started working at HIghclere and he and Sadie became friendly. They go out to the pictures from time to time, and when he tells Sadie that he has feelings for her, she refuses him as she doesn't feel the same. He is then tranferred from Highclere to some other army post.
- Ginger was the bootboy working for the Hunters. He was quite vocal in his opinions. He left to work in a factory.
- Catherine Beresford (Cat) is Christopher Beresford's sister.
- Albert Waites was Louis's soldier servant
- Sister Ryman worked in the war hospital in Northcote.
- Baby Melville and Tom Melville are friends of Louisa's and when she and Laura fall out, they take he in in their home.
- Lady Caroline Crosmore is Rupert's sister.
- Lady Beningbrough helped Laura when she needed help to set the club for women in Pop.
- Sophy Oliphant (20) is Freddie's sister. She and David were engaged, but when he was wounded, she left him to marry Humbrey Hobart.
- Humphrey Hobart is the man who Sophy marries.
- Hattie is Cook's sister who lives in Folkestone.
- Horry is Hattie's nephew
- Flora Hazlitt worked with Laura in the ambulance.
- Winifred (21) is one of the new girls working for Mrs Cuthbert who stay after the end of the war.
- Mary Russsell (21) is one of the volunteers at Highclere, and she stays after the war. When work starts to peter out, she leaves, intending to marry her cousin who got injured during the war and lost one leg.
- Mrs Milly Dawson was the woman who offeredBeattie voluntary work in a canteen for servicemen
- Peter Warren (29) was Edward's secretary until he was called up. He was killed in action. His death makes Edward very upset.
- Sergeant Andy Wood was a man who Ethel dated for a while but then he discovered he was married and had children. After Eric died, she succumbed to Andy's tireless pursuit, and she got pregnant. Frank, who is in love with Ethel, beat him up after he knew what he had done to Ethel.
- Jim Cotton was Louisa's brother, but he died when his ship sank after hitting a mine.
- Henry Binns used to be the Hunters' boot boy. When Henry made a mistake, ringing the bells in the village after dreaming of an attack, he was so ashamed that he left his job for the Hunters.
- Henry Bowers (Hank) was Mrs Oliver's nephew's brother-in-law in America and ended up in England when the war caught up with him in Germany. He was also in love with Diana. He was killed in action during the Irish uprising.
- Eric Travers was the young man who Ethel had a relationship with and died when he and Ethel were in London and were bombed. . .
- Annie Lusby was Ethel's mother, but before she died she confessed that her real mother was the person who she thought was her sister.
- Edie Lusby is Ethel's real mother. Edie ran away with a tinker when Ethel was young. Ethel goes to find her and she discovers that Edie has had a long line of husbands and partners, none too good to her. She lives in squalor, and has several children of different relationships, and she even had two children who died. Edie tells her that Ethel's real father was the man she thought of as her brother, Cyril.
- Cyril Lusby was Edie's brother, and Ethel discovers that he is her real father. Cyril died years ago, and Ethel can't deny that he was good to her, made her go to school, and made her go into service.
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