Saturday, 15 February 2025

The House Between Tides 2 - The End (Pages 199 - end)



In the narration that takes part in the past we see how Beatrice drifts away from her husband as she discovers that he can be quite stern and heartless to the people on the island. She suspects that he is in love with Cameron even though they have rows about the people on the island and the protection of birds. The situation is so tense that Theo tells Cameron to leave when he goes against his wishes. Theo and Beatrice leave the island for some months, during which she falls pregnant, but she loses the baby during an incident in an event that Theo makes her go with him.

After that, they return to the island. Beatrice is not well, but being on the island gives her some energy back. We see that she and Cameron become closer and closer, especially as they share a secret, the discovery of some birds that they know Theo would shoot and stuff. When Theo goes back to Edinburgh for some art dealings, Beatrice and Cameron can't restrain their feelings and become lovers. They know that this is some delightful gift which will finish. Yet, when Theo is to return, Cameron says that he wants Beatrice to go to Canada with him. Beatrice is unsure, and they agree that he will go ahead of her and then she will join him. 

It is midsummer and there is a party on the beach, and Beatrice goes ahead of her husband. Then Cameron goes to the house, and it is then that there is a confrontation between them. Theo discovers that Cameron and Beatrice are lovers when that day he finds one of the birds, shoots him, and when he shows it to Cameron, he realises that the young man knew about it, and then Beatrice knew about it too. There is a confrontation, and during the row Theo confesses that Cameron is his son and he hits him and kills him. Those are the bones that were found in the house decades later.

In present day Hattie is torn between her own feelings and what Giles pushes her to do. He finds out that James wanted to buy the house, so he may not have been truthful. Hattie returns to the island to talk to him, and she is told that the bones belong to a man. When she talks to James, he tells her that his intention was to build a bird reserve, and there was never a hidden agenda. From what Hettie has seen and some letters that Ruairidh's had, they discover that Theo must have killed James and faked the letter that he first sent. And they have a letter from Beatrice to James. In the letter she writes that she left Theo and Cameron's father took her in where she had Cameron's boy, but she is very ill, and Hettie discovers that she died. Beatrice never knew that Theo had killed Cameron.

At the end of the book Cameron is given a proper burial next to Beatrice's grave. 

This was an interesting book and the style is very beautiful, but I found it too slow for my taste.

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