Saturday, 15 February 2025

The House Between Tides - Facts


The novel takes place in two timeframes: 1945 and 2010. And the set for the action is an island on the Hebrides. The Hebrides  are an archipelago off the west coast of the Scottish mainland. The islands fall into two main groups, based on their proximity to the mainland: the Inner and Outer Hebrides.

There is a chapel on the island dedicated to St Ultan, who was an Irishman who gave succour to orphans. Ultan founded a school, educating and feeding its poor students.

On first arriving on the island, Beatrice is attacked by Arctic terns. 

Divers are also birds, which Cameron tries to hide their existence on the island from Theo. Divers  are a group of aquatic birds found in much of North America and northern Eurasia.

The characters talk of the legend of the selkies. Selkies are mythological creatures that can shapeshift between seal and human forms by removing or putting on their seal skin. They feature prominently in the oral traditions and mythology of various cultures, especially those of Celtic and Norse origin. 

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