I finished the book last night. It was another perfect show of mastery, but I found the parts about the battle too long and dull even though they were written perfectly.
During his experience in the war Gabriel learns that Don Diego is the man who Amaranta has chosen to marry Ines off. Don Diego tells Santorcaz about the woman he is to marry, but he has never met her, and she has decided to be with the nuns. Santorcaz has become a model for Diego and thinks the world of him. At some point Don Diego thinks that now that he is living an adventure, the idea of marriage does not appeal to him so much. Yet, Santorcaz tells him that he has to marry, and after the war they will break into the convent and steal away Ines, an idea which Diego likes more and more.
When the battle erupts in Bailen, Gabriel gets separated from Diggo and Santorcaz, and he loses his horse. Then he finds a loose horse and takes the reins, and in the saddle bags he finds three letters. One of the letters is addressed to Santorcaz and comes from Amaranta, and when Gabriel reads it, he learns that Santorcaz is Ines's real father, and Amaranta tells him that she has no desire to join her life to his. The second letter is from Santorcaz to Amaranta, and in it he expresses his good will towards Ines and Amaranta. And the third letter comes from Amaranta's butler who tells Santorcaz that Ines is now out of the convent, and what the family have said is that Ines is the daughter of a foreign woman and the Marquis. So they are going to marry her off to Don Diego because there in an entailed property, and that way both families get what they want.
The battle ends with the victory of the Spanish army. Then Santorcaz appears safe and sound, but Don Diego is nowhere to be found. Santorcaz says that he has been made sergeant, and if Gabriel wants, he can join his unit. Gabriel and Marijuan go back to Doña Maria and her daughters and they explain that they do not know where Don Diego is. They are all very uspet, and Gabriel accompanies Doña Maria to ask around. Then they find Don Diego in a cheerful way, saying that he has been with the French all the time. He was almost executed, but he was saved and has become good friends to the French.
When they return to the house, they receive the visit of Amaranta, the Marquis, the Marchioness and Ines, who are on their way to Madrid. Don Diego makes a show of himself, behaving foolishly and talking about his friendship with the French. Doña María is embarrassed and ashamed. Despite Don Diego's shenanigans, they all agree on the wedding between him and Ines, and Diego will go to Madrid with them.
That is the end of the book, and the next part will show us what happens in Madrid and if Ines will marry Diego or not.
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