Wednesday, 28 February 2024

New Book - The West Leigh Murder - DI Finney 1 - by S.R. Lobban (Pages 1 - 25)

 First Published: 2011

DI George Finney is a detective in the Portsmouth area. 

After a holiday abroad, he gets a phone call, informing him of a body which has been found. Finney drives there. The body belongs to a child, believed to be Theresa Gore, aged eight. Everybody knows the child's mother, Emily Gore, who has had more than one problem with the police. Emily comes from a middle class family, but Finney thinks that the mistake of her parents was sending their children to the nearest school where children from posh family had access to drugs. The three children of the family got hooked, but Emily was affected the most. She left the family home at fourteen and had her first child at fifteen, and then she got hooked with Sam Tindall, who is now in prison.

When Finny goes to see Emily, she realises that he has come to tell her that Teresa is dead. Emily says that Teresa, who was only eight, comes and goes as she pleases, and that is why she did not report her missing until almost thirty six hours later when she didn't sleep at home. Emily claims that she was also high on crack and booze. Emily shows hardly any feelings, but when Finny is walking to the door, he sees one of the other children, Jack, crying.

This novel has started with a strong plot. I think it is going to be a powerful, intense read.

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