Wednesday, 1 January 2025

The Ruin 2 (Pages 32 - 120)


We get to learn that Jack Blake committed suicide. A witness saw him jump from a bridge into the river and called the police. The witness did not identified himself, and the police got to the place in just a few minutes, and the people there did not see anything. Jack was washed up to the riverbank hours later, and it was then when Aisling was notified.

During the funeral Aisling sees a woman who she cannot identify. The police want to talk to Aisling, and when she gets to the station, she learns that Jack's sister is there too. From Jack Aisling knows that he had a sister who he hadn't had contact with since he was a child. Aisling and Maude are met by garda Rodgers, who tell them he is their family liaison, and he explains the details of the case. Maude has questions about the unidentified witness and how come that nobody saw anything during the St Patrick weekend when the streets were full of people. Rodgers tries to defuse the matter, but Maude is not satisfied. 

Maude goes to see Aisling at the hospital. She says that she has been living in Australia and is now back in Ireland for good. She thinks that Jack's death cannot be suicide. Later when Aisling goes to see her at her hotel, she says that she has videos that she has asked to the newsagernt and the bank, and in neither of the videos Jack appears, and nor does the witness. Maude says that it is possible that they came from the other side which is not included in the footage. Yet, Maude really believes that her brother didn't commit suicide, but it seems that when she showed the videos to Rodgers, he told her that maybe Jack jumped from another bridge and the witness made a mistake. Maude thinks that is a ludicrous explanation, and she believes that Jack was murdered. Aisling has mixed feelings. If Jack did not commit suicide, it is a relief, but at the same time she thinks that nothing will get him back. Maude wants to know if something untoward happened to Jack in the last months, and Aisling insists that Jack led a very normal life, and she can't think of anybody who wanted to harm him.

Cormac, the garda who answered the call of Maude twenty years ago, is being relocated to Galway, as his partner, who is a biologist, has received a subsidy for a project, and the project is in Galway. Cormac is finding the change disappointing as he is being assigned to see to cold cases. Then when he sees Maude at the station, he thinks she looks familiar, and Danny, one of his colleagues, tells their boss, and the boss, Brian Murphy, unburies the file about Hilaria Blake's death. At the time Cormac didn't believe that the woman had died of an accidental overdose as it was the first time that she used heroin. He wanted to investigate, but he was refused his request. Now Murphy wants him to investigate that case, but he wants him to stay away from the case of suicide of Jack Blake.

Cormac is also worried about his friend and colleague, Danny. It seems that he has some issues with Sergeant Carrie O'Halloran. Danny tells Corman that he has a younger sister, Lorna, who is irresponsible and sometimes go on benders for days, worrying the whole family. Now Lorna lives with their aunt Caroline, and when Lorna didn't return home in a few days, the woman reported her disappearance. Danny thinks that looking into his sister's disappearance is a waste of resources as he is certain that the woman will be laughing and enjoying herself, and will reappear soon. Yet, Sergeant O'Halloran is not so certain, and that creates a conflict of interests between them. Cormac has also noticed that whenever Danny mentions his wife, Sarah, he is vague about it, but he suspects that they are going through a rough patch, and he even thinks that Danny is having an affair. 

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